Public commission/installation
Peter Shelton
Installation photography, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Installation photography, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Installation photography, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Installation photography, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Installation photography, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Final installation, Peter Shelton, sixbeastsandtwomonkeys
Public commission
Spring Street, between 1st and 2nd Streets
Los Angeles, CA
Installed: 24 Oct 2009

artist profile

L.A. Louver is pleased to announce the completion of a major new commission by Peter Shelton, entitled “sixbeastsandtwomonkeys.” Installed in a promenade park outside the new Police Administration Building, along Spring Street between 1st and 2nd Streets in downtown Los Angeles, these new sculptures were made possible through the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs Public Art Program.

Peter Shelton’s installation focuses this public area into a subtle and metered transition from the new building to the street, and forms a contemplative passage through the greater urban landscape. The six “beasts” are a series of large animal forms, possibly signifying authority or serving as guardians, but they also speak to our primal and earth-bound bodies. On the north and south end of this Spring Street parade, the two lanky “monkeys” could be seen as animated sentinels for the elephantine procession along the walkway below. Their tall and attenuated proportions are in stark contrast to the corpulent masses of the beasts between them. These eight individual sculptures in bronze are a monumental accomplishment, and will surely become a treasured public art fixture in downtown Los Angeles.

Please join us for a celebration of this commission at the public dedication on Saturday, October 24, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All are welcome.

Selected articles

Knight, Christopher. "Public sculptures dissed by LAPD chief win award'"
Los Angeles Times. 24 June 2010.

Knight, Christopher. "Public art review: Peter Shelton's 'sixbeastsandtwomonkeys'"
Los Angeles Times. 22 October 2009.

Cheng, Scarlet. "Whimsy, all in a row"
Los Angeles Times. 26 April 2009.
full article, PDF
L.A. Louver is pleased to announce the completion of a major new commission by Peter Shelton, entitled “sixbeastsandtwomonkeys.” Installed in a promenade park outside the new Police Administration Building, along Spring Street between 1st and 2nd Streets in downtown Los Angeles, these new sculptures were made possible through the City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs Public Art Program.

Peter Shelton’s installation focuses this public area into a subtle and metered transition from the new building to the street, and forms a contemplative passage through the greater urban landscape. The six “beasts” are a series of large animal forms, possibly signifying authority or serving as guardians, but they also speak to our primal and earth-bound bodies. On the north and south end of this Spring Street parade, the two lanky “monkeys” could be seen as animated sentinels for the elephantine procession along the walkway below. Their tall and attenuated proportions are in stark contrast to the corpulent masses of the beasts between them. These eight individual sculptures in bronze are a monumental accomplishment, and will surely become a treasured public art fixture in downtown Los Angeles.
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